Canadian Church Calendar 2022

The Anglican Church Women Diocesan Board has ordered the Canadian Church Calendar 2022 for distribution to the parishes. However, we have significantly reduced our order, as there are parishes that will be ordering directly from the Anglican Church of Canada (ACC) e-store This is a step that makes a lot of sense for many parishes. Thank you to those parishes that alerted us to the fact that they would be making that change and doing direct ordering from ACC – much appreciated. If you have not alerted the Board of this change to direct ordering from the ACC e-store, please do at Thank you.  

For those parishes ordering through the Anglican Church Women Diocesan Board (, the earliest date for calendar order pick up is Wed. Sept. 29 at the main entry of the Anglican Diocesan Centre, 1:00 – 2:30 pm. This service is available every subsequent Wednesday, 1:00 – 2:30 pm, until Wed. Nov. 24.

Parishes that order through the Anglican Church Women Diocesan Board will be informed when their calendar order is ready for pick up. Thank you to those parishes that have already placed their order and to those that will be. Please read further for complete calendar ordering details.