To register for any of the programs you see here, or if you have any questions, please call Barat Spirituality Centre, 1455 Summer Street, Halifax, NS, at 902-456-6112; email the Centre at; or send a message through the website at . Also, please note, all times listed are Atlantic Time.
“Seeing” our Life Story: The Eminent Journey to the Centre
with Dr. Beverly Musgrave
Saturday, November 20th; 10:00 AM-3:00 PM;
$20 suggested donation—please bring a lunch.
At this time of your life are you navigating uncharted waters? Come by Zoom or in-person and explore what it means to travel without a map, learning to navigate, to See, with the Heart.
In person at Barat Spirituality Centre
Atlantic School of Theology Professor, Dr. David Deane will address the question:
Are Christianity and Evolution Compatible?
Thursday, November 25th
7-8:30 PM
$10 suggested donation
An Advent retreat weekend at Barat Spirituality Centre
7pm Dec 3 to end with liturgy at 11am on Dec 5th
This will be a silent retreat and we have the possibility of overnight
accommodations for six persons and invite others to consider commuting.
There are 12 spaces total.
There will be an opportunity to meet during the weekend for Spiritual
accompaniment for those who wish. Each day will begin with community
prayer, and there will an opportunity to meet each day for sharing.
We ask participants to follow the Covid protocols that each participant be
double vaccinated and wear a mask while in group sessions.
A simple lunch and supper will be provided for everyone on Saturday and for those
staying at the Spirituality Centre, breakfast will be pick-up.
Suggested donation: Overnight Guests: $190; Commuter: $90
To secure a spot, we ask for a $50 deposit at registration for overnight
guests and $30 for commuters. Sign-up closes on Nov. 26;
Please be in touch if you would like to attend but are unable
to offer the suggested donation.