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Upcoming 2023-2024 Snow Clearing Challenge for Parish Properties

Past practice has been to request a “Proof of Liability Insurance” (POLI) from Contractors who provided snow clearing services to our Parishes. On the occasion of a claim against the Parish related to the property, the Contractors insurance may be called to respond.

Presently many small Contractors are unable to afford the increased cost of Liability Insurance, and are withdrawing their services to those Parishes, who request a POLI.

Recommended Procedure going forward:

· If your present/potential Contractor is able to provide a POLI, it should be requested.

· If your present/potential Contractor is unable to provide a POLI , their services may still be used , in the case of a claim the Parish insurance policy will be called upon first to respond. There is the possibility of subsequent action against the Contractor by our Insurers-if the Contractor is found to be negligent.

· The following procedure is the same for both types of Contractors-with due diligence by the Property Warden.

o An agreement (in writing) must be secured before the start of the winter season, with the Parish and the Contractor agreeing to:

§ The scope of the services--(how long after a storm/which part of the property to be covered/reports kept by the Contractor, etc.) It is critical that reports contain not only the time work is performed, but also the weather conditions at the time.

§ As well as the above (besides the parking lot property) the Property Warden shall be satisfied that there is a plan in place to clear/salt all entrances and exits, and a record kept, including (who/when/weather conditions.)

If there are specific questions relative to the upcoming winter season, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Peter Flemming