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After a fantastic season last summer, the Community Roots Program is preparing to come to parishes across our diocese for July and August 2024.
The Community Roots Day Camp Program is primarily designed to do two things - first, to encourage young people to grow in their faith, or to learn about Christianity for the first time, and second, to develop leadership capacity in communities so that meaningful, local ministry can continue to happen there for children and youth. 

Our program staff works to develop and help facilitate a fun, engaging, and creative day camp program. This summer they will travel throughout the diocese, bringing all of the supplies needed for a week of camp with them to churches just like yours.
If your parish is interested in hosting one of our day camps this summer, you can find more information on how to apply at,  Community Roots Program 
We are also now hiring for our Program Architect and Program Administrator positions. For more information, please contact ( and check out our diocesan web page for more details as posted.