Youth and Family Ministry Resource Library

The Youth and Family Ministry Resource Library is packed with books, Sunday School curriculums, arts supplies, ideas for youth group, Family Ministry resources, gear for games, and so much more to help support you in your ministry. We don't have a comprehensive list of what we've got, but if there is something that you need, get in touch with us ( and we can let you know if we have what you need. 

All of the resources that we have are available for free for use by parishes throughout the diocese. You can either pick up resources at the Synod Office or we can arrange to have them shipped to you. 

Other Resources

We also occassionally produce resources for parishes to use, so be sure to check back here regularly to find them. 

Inspired Faith: Youth and Family Ministry Conversations

Resources on Pinterest

Seasonal Resources

Welcoming Families in Worship (audit and reflection guide)