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Schedule Wed. Jan. 22 – Funeral for the Rev’d Canon Dr. Eric Beresford, Church of St. Mary Magdalene, Toronto. Obituary can be found here. Thursday Jan 23 - Appointments and Mentors Meeting online Friday Jan 24 - King’s Honorary Degrees Committee Meeting; Sermon preparation and parish visit. Sunday Jan 26 - Saint Benedict Roman Catholic Parish (45 Radcliffe Drive) for The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Service at 3:00 pm. Guest Preacher: The Right Reverend Sandra Fyfe Monday Jan 27 - Day Off Tuesday Jan 28 - Planning for The Sisterhood of St. John the Divine visit; and Mission to Seafarers Board Meeting Wednesday Jan 29 - Leadership Team Meeting Bishop Sandra’s Itinerary January 26 Saint Benedict Roman Catholic Parish (45 Radcliffe Drive) for The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Service at 3:00 pm. Guest Preacher: The Right Reverend Sandra Fyfe February 2 Parish of Annapolis Royal February 9 Parish of New Germany February 23 Parish of Rawdon March 2 Parish of Horton Announcements Bishop Sandra has accepted the resignation of the Rev'd Mark Marshall as Rector of The Church of the Apostles effective March 31, 2025. At this time Mark will move into retirement. Bishop Sandra is pleased to announce the following appointments: Openings |
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Please Beware of Fraud Emails
We have been made aware of cloned or fraudulent emails claiming to be from Bishop Sandra. Please note that these emails are not from her, and she would never send such messages. (asking to carry out a task as an example) If you receive one, please report it if possible and delete it immediately. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to our office. |
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CHARITABLE RECEIPTS: 'THANKS FOR GIVING'Tax receipt time is a fabulous opportunity to communicate well with your congregation's givers.
Tax receipt time is a fabulous opportunity to communicate well with your congregation's givers.
Be sure to THANK PEOPLE for their generosity. You are preparing and sending out an envelope anyway, why not include an inspiring message and continue to build the relationship?
Tell donors how your church makes a difference in the community, region and the world! Express your gratitude for their gift. Share about your ministry dreams for 2025 and explain how they can easily continue to support your efforts. This may also be a time to encourage your PAR (monthly electronic transactions) folks to consider an increase in their giving. Send along the information required to do that. Also, CanadaHelps has safe, easy, trackable regular giving options too. www.canadahelps.org
(NOTE: Make giving to your church as EASY as possible. Provide simple instructions about 'how'. Give them several options.)
Read about best practices for charitable receipts in, How to Write The Best Thank-You Letter for Donations + Three Templates and Samples, written by Tatiana Morand.
The Connectors is a group that journeys over the course of 12 months to explore fresh approaches to flourishing ministry. It involves reflection, prayer, discussion, study, goal-setting, trying out missional initiatives, mutual peer support and more!
This peer learning community begins in early 2025 for lay and clergy participants who want to explore discerning prayer, deep dive discussions, engaging readings, goal-setting, mutual support and encouragement. The Connectors SEVEN is a group of up to 10 eager pioneering-type people who gather monthly for 10, two-day sessions (a mixture of residential retreats and Zoom meetings). This is a skill-building environment for faithful Anglicans who want to reach out to others, but aren’t sure how. Participants in this cohort are a gift and asset to a local parish and their community. All costs are covered by the Diocese. Facilitators are: Kim Lively, Parish of Oakfield & Fall River; Bishop Ron Cutler (retd); Lisa Vaughn, Director of Mission and Ministry Development. ELIGIBLE PARTICIPANTS … ... are willing to lean into their growing edges and take risks. ... commit to participating in all the sessions and an average of 3 hours per month of study, reflection and discernment/visioning for themselves and their congregation(s). Additional time required for missional initiatives. Application deadline for The Connectors SEVEN is Friday, February 28, 2025. INFO & SIGN-UP HERE: http://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ConnectorsSEVEN (Got questions? E-mail: missiondirector@nspeidiocese.ca or call: 902-789-4840.)
For more infomation visit:
Good Grief - Guiding Light TrainingUnderstanding Grief and Post-Funeral Supports Tuesday, January 28 - FUNERAL FOLLOW-UP & MISSION Join Rev. Canon Lisa Vaughn (60 minutes), Director of Mission and Ministry Development, to explore ways to support grieving families and their loved ones after a recent death. Hear about simple and low-cost approaches to continue to minister to those who mourn. From special church gatherings, to compassionate greetings, grief-support groups and more, learn about best practices and resources for funeral follow-ups. |
Joining Hands in Turbulent TimesWorld Interfaith Harmony Week with APP Anglicans Powering Potential want you to know about events in honour of World Interfaith Harmony Week (Feb. 1 - 7), With the idea of celebrating spiritual diversity, you can attend Joining Hands in Turbulent Times: Saturday, February 1, 2025; 2 - 4; Halifax Central Library. All are welcome! This program of art, music, dance, readings . . . and snacks is free of charge.
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DIOCESAN RETREATPathways to Peace: Seeking the Spirit Want to bless one of your church leaders for their hard work? Or gift yourself with a refreshing time away? Step into a sacred pause from the busyness of life and join us for Pathways to Peace: Seeking the Spirit. This weekend retreat is designed as a space to refresh your spirit, soothe your soul, and grow in your spiritual journey. Through contemplative prayer practices, short talks, plenty of silence, and reflection, you will have the opportunity to deepen your faith, strengthen your connection to our loving God, and cultivate transformative spiritual disciplines. Open to everyone—whether you are laity, clergy, or a ministry professional—this retreat invites you to experience God’s presence. DATES: Friday, June 6 to Sunday, June 8, 2025. LOCATION: Acadia University, Wolfville, N.S. INCLUDED: 5 meals (Friday dinner to Sunday breakfast), 2 nights' accommodations, retreat program and materials. FEATURES: Plenty of quiet time, short talks on spirituality and prayer practices, healthy food, worship that refreshes the soul, and new friendships. OPTIONS: walking in beautiful settings, small group Bible study and more! SPECIAL EARLY RATE! $160 / person (Those staying off-site - $110) For more infomation visit:
Praying with the DEN Community
Praying with the DEN Community, Diocesan Environment Network (DEN) For more information contact DEN at: endionspei@gmail.com For more infomation visit: https://www.nspeidiocese.ca/ministries/diocesan-environment-network
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Diocesan Youth Conference Planning Team
We’re getting started on plans for the Diocesan Youth Conference (DYC) this fall, and we’d love to have some new folks be part of the planning team! DYC is out annual youth gathering for youth in grades 7 to 12, and this year it will hopefully take place in early October. The planning team is usually made up of a combination of youth and adults, and while past experience of DYC is helpful, it’s not required! If you are interested in helping us make it happen this year, please fill out this form! |
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Welcoming Families Monthly Chat
Join us for an informal opportunity to connect with others who are finding ways to intentionally welcome families into the life of their churches! Bring your stories, your questions, your ideas, your challenges, bring whatever you've got! No need to commit to every month, but we'd love to have you there whenever you can make it! Our first one is February 6 at 1 pm – hope to see you there! |
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Community Roots Info Sessions
Curious about whether the Community Roots Day Camp program might be a good fit for your parish this year? Join us for an information session on zoom to hear more about the program and ask any questions you may have! The session will be about an hour, with time to hear a bit more about the program and also to ask any questions that you may have! We're offering three opportunities for you to join the conversation (Click the link to register for one that works for you!): If you want to come but none of these work for you please email youthandfamily@nspeidiocese.ca. |
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Seeking Professional Cleaning CompanySt. Paul's Church Halifax St. Paul's is now seeking to contract a proffesional cleaning company for the weekly cleaning of two buildings: 1706 and 1749 Argyle St., Halifax Weekly Cleaning is required for both locations. Please submit your expression of interest no later than January 29, 2025 to: Property Manager c/o stpaulshalifax1749@gmail.com For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/news/seeking-professional-cleaning-company
January Take-Out LunchSaturday January 25th, (12:00-1:30pm) St. Francis by the Lakes, Lower Sackville Pick up Saturday January 25th. Please call Elaine at 902-865-4727 before Monday January 20th to place your order. Adults $15 Children $8 (under 12) Fish Chowder (no shellfish) or Hamburger Soup (16 ounces), biscuit and dessert.
For more infomation visit:
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is celebrated around the world. The universal week of prayer encourages Christians of all denominations to meet, to participate in various liturgical and other activities, and to pray together that all may be one, as Christ desires. In Halifax four ecumenical services and a public lecture have been planned for the week 19-16 January 2025. This year marks the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicea.
Thursday 23 January at 2pm Northwood Halifax Campus (2515 Northwood Terrace)
Guest Preacher: the Rev Antonio Siracusa, Presbyterian Church of Saint David
Sunday 26 January 3pm Saint Benedict Catholic Parish (45 Radcliffe Drive)
Guest Preacher: The Right Reverend Sandra Fyfe, Anglican Bishop of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/news/week-of-prayer-for-christian-unity--965
Saint Paul's 275th Anniversary WelcomesGuest Speaker The Most Rev'd Brian Dunn - Sunday, January 26, 2025 As part of our 275th Celebration and Speaker Series, St. Paul’s is pleased to have The Most Rev’d Brian Dunn (RC Archbishop, Archdiocese of Halifax – Yarmouth) join our 10am Eucharist, with Parish Lunch to follow! Visitors Warmly Welcomed For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/events/saint-pauls-275th-anniversary-welcomes/2025-01-26
Casserole LuncheonThursday, January 30, 2025 Join the parish of St. Margaret of Scotland for a Casserole Luncheon this January! Thursday, January 30th 11:30am - 1:00 pm Admission $12.00 Students & Seniors $10.00
For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/events/casserole-luncheon--917/2025-01-30
Flea MarketFebruary 8th - Saturday, February 8, 2025 Join St. Luke's Church for their next community flea market ! 9 Veterans Ave, Dartmouth Saturday February 8th, 9:00am- 11:30am For more infomation visit:
Valentine's Day Community PotluckFriday, February 14, 6:00pm Join St. Luke's Hubbards for their Community Potluck on Valentine's Day! On Friday, February 14th at 6pm at the Parish Hall, 10 Shore Club Rd in Hubbards. All are Welcome! Free Admission. Please bring your favourite dish to share. For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/events/valentines-day-community-potluck/2025-02-14
Marriage Success CourseSaturday April 5th 9am-4pm The Dartmouth Region is running a Marriage Success program on April 5th 2025. The course is designed to meet the requirements of marriage preparation in the Anglican Church of Canada, but is also useful to couples looking to improve communication. This program supports marriage equality and welcomes participants from the LGBTQIA2S+ community. Folks from other regions are welcome to attend.
Registration forms are due by March 22 -
Cost $60 per couple (covers lunch, snacks and printing costs).
Contact marriagesuccess@outlook.com for more information.
For more infomation visit: https://www.nspeidiocese.ca/events/marriage-success-course--908
Diocesan Heating Oil Program
The Diocese of NS and PEI Heating Oil Program with Irving Oil offers Churches of the Diocese and eligible Diocesan Clergy and Diocesan Staff a discounted rate based on non-profit status. This rate is not offered to individual Anglican parishioners. For more information, please contact: The Centralized Commercial Account Manager for the Diocesan Heating Oil Program, Ms. Sharon Williston by name at 1-888-310-1924 or by email Sharon.Williston@irvingoil.com The Furnace Oil price for the period - January 18 to January 24, 2025. Nova Scotia - $1.1335 Prince Edward Island - $1.1335 For more infomation visit:
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Churches Discipling Children: What Is and Is not Working.FREE WEBINAR - Jan 31, 2:30pm (Atlantic time) On Jan. 31, join with other church leaders across the country to hear recent in-depth, Canadian research - looking at the faith transmission and spiritual formation of children. It is an interactive half-hour webinar – 15-minute research presentation & 15-minute Q/A, then an optional 15-minutes for networking and discussion.
PRESENTER: Arch Wong, Professor of Practical Theology at Ambrose University and Associate Director of the Flourishing Congregations Institute, Calgary, AB.
Missional Imagination ConferenceA conference on diving deep for the missionally minded. "Do you sense God inviting the Church to explore more creative approaches to mission but feel uncertain about the steps to take?"
“Are you involved in a new or innovative form of mission and seeking a community of support and fresh inspiration to sustain or expand your ministry?"
All people who feel called to innovative mission by the Holy Spirit are invited to take part in this exciting new conference, which aims to equip Anglicans and other Christians — both lay and ordained — to understand and engage with the need for imaginative and sustainable mission within our Church.
For more infomation visit: https://www.nspeidiocese.ca/events/missional-imagination-conference
Church Outside the WallsHumbler Church - Bigger God - Thursday, February 6, 2025 Church Outside the Walls: Past, Present, and Future
A conversation with Archbishop Anne Germond, Archbishop Linda Nicholls, and Bishop Victoria Matthews
Thursday, February 6, 8:00 PM (Atlantic time)
Online, using Zoom
Register HERE
Where have challenges led the Church into important new conversations and ways of being? How are we being called to engage with the world beyond our walls? Where is the Holy Spirit leading us in the coming decades? This panel discussion is presented by the Divinity Associates of Trinity College, Toronto, and open to all. Questions? Contact trinity.alumni@utoronto.ca
For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/events/church-outside-the-walls/2025-02-06