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Schedule Wednesday Jan 8 - Meetings in office; Regional Deans Meeting; and Canadian Compass Rose Society Meeting. Thursday Jan 9 - Monthly meeting with Youth and Family Ministry Coordinator; Synod Arrangements Meeting; and meetings outside of the office. Friday Jan 10 - Appointment in office; ½ day off Sunday Jan 12 - Parish of Yarmouth & Tusket Visit Monday Jan 13 - Day off; Centre for Congregational Development/Bishop's Summit Gathering (afternoon - online) Tuesday Jan 14 - Meetings in office; and Parish of Seaforth Parish Council Wednesday Jan 15 - Leadership Team Meeting and appointments in office Announcements Bishop Sandra has accepted the resignation of the Rev'd Mark Marshall as Rector of The Church of the Apostles effective March 31, 2025. At this time Mark will move into retirement. Bishop Sandra is pleased to announce the following appointments: The Rev'd LCol Bev Kean-Newhook as Priest-in-Charge of the Parish of St. John's Halifax effective January 12, 2025. Openings Rector, 3/4 tme, Parishes of Musquodoboit and Ship Harbour Rector, full-time, The Parish of St. Francis by the Lakes, Lower Sackville |
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Synod Resolution Deadline
This is a reminder that the deadline for submitting a Resolution for the Synod this May is Thursday, January 23rd, at 5:00 PM.
Please refer to this document for detailed instructions on writing a resolution.
All resolutions must be submitted to Dawn Purcell, Executive Secretary of Synod, at execsecsynod@nspeidiocese.ca (or mailed to the Synod Office, Attention Dawn Purcell)
For more infomation visit:
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The Connectors is a group that journeys over the course of 12 months to explore fresh approaches to flourishing ministry. It involves reflection, prayer, discussion, study, goal-setting, trying out missional initiatives, mutual peer support and more!
This peer learning community begins in early 2025 for lay and clergy participants who want to explore discerning prayer, deep dive discussions, engaging readings, goal-setting, mutual support and encouragement. The Connectors SEVEN is a group of up to 10 eager pioneering-type people who gather monthly for 10, two-day sessions (a mixture of residential retreats and Zoom meetings). This is a skill-building environment for faithful Anglicans who want to reach out to others, but aren’t sure how. Participants in this cohort are a gift and asset to a local parish and their community. All costs are covered by the Diocese. Facilitators are: Kim Lively, Parish of Oakfield & Fall River; Bishop Ron Cutler (retd); Lisa Vaughn, Director of Mission and Ministry Development. ELIGIBLE PARTICIPANTS … ... are willing to lean into their growing edges and take risks. ... commit to participating in all the sessions and an average of 3 hours per month of study, reflection and discernment/visioning for themselves and their congregation(s). Additional time required for missional initiatives. Application deadline for The Connectors SEVEN is Friday, February 28, 2025. INFO & SIGN-UP HERE: http://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ConnectorsSEVEN (Got questions? E-mail: missiondirector@nspeidiocese.ca or call: 902-789-4840.)
For more infomation visit:
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Good Grief - Guiding Light Training
Our Diocesan GUIDING LIGHT ministry training sessions on Zoom resume this January, with a focus on understanding grief and post-funeral supports. Tuesday, January 21 - GRIEF with Rev. Canon Dr. Jody Clarke, Professor of Pastoral Studies, Atlantic School of Theology. (90 minutes) This will be a deep and intense dive into an emotion that dominates our world. Grief is often complicated, and it can also be very complex. (Complicated and complex grief are very different emotional realities.) During the evening, we will look at how grief moves and lives in our lives as people with some responsibility for the spiritual health of our communities and in the lives of those with whom we minister. The goal of the workshop is that of empowering each of the participants to become more aware of how they can response to the experience of loss. We will examine popular myths about grief, uncover those events in life that cause grief to come flooding back, and how we can respond to loss with empathy and grace. Please know that as challenging as this topic is, the evening should be one that leaves each participant feeling both a little wiser and a little more compassionate. Tuesday, January 28 - FUNERAL FOLLOW-UP & MISSIONJoin Rev. Canon Lisa Vaughn (60 minutes), Director of Mission and Ministry Development, to explore ways to support grieving families and their loved ones after a recent death. Hear about simple and low-cost approaches to continue to minister to those who mourn. From special church gatherings, to compassionate greetings, grief-support groups and more, learn about best practices and resources for funeral follow-ups. REGISTRATION: In the last year, if you already signed up for GUIDING LIGHT, you will receive an invitation with the Zoom link via e-mail. If you have not registered already, sign up here: www.surveymonkey.com/r/GUIDINGLIGHT The Holy Spirit is calling us to embrace more fully the ministry of all the baptized. Got questions? Contact Lisa - missiondirector@nspeidiocese.ca or 902-789-4840. For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/events/good-grief-guiding-light-training/2025-01-21 |
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Communities & Loneliness6 Minute Study #405 Communities & Loneliness The need for authentic community in our society has never been more clear. People are more disconnected and lonelier than ever. Churches can lead the way in creating and inviting local folk to join together in causes and genuine community. But there is a cost - comfort and risk. Read (or listen) to this article featuring the teaching of Alan Hirsch, published by Fresh Expressions. For more infomation visit: |
Anglicans Powering PotentialWelcome to 2025! The feast of Epiphany (Jan. 6) brings the Christmas season to an end. Anglicans Powering Potential remind us, however, that the Epiphany season shows us the work of Christmas is just beginning, as beautifully expressed in the following litany, composed by Howard Thurman, an African-American theologian, educator, and civil rights leader. The Work of Christmas When the song of the angels is stilled, For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/news/anglicans-powering-potential-welcome-to-2025 |
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Want to bless one of your church leaders for their hard work? Or gift yourself with a refreshing time away? Purchase a registration for Pathways to Peace: Seeking the Spirit, a springtime retreat taking place in Nova Scotia’s Annapolis Valley. Step into a sacred pause from the busyness of life and join us for Pathways to Peace: Seeking the Spirit. This weekend retreat is designed as a space to refresh your spirit, soothe your soul, and grow in your spiritual journey. Through contemplative prayer practices, short talks, plenty of silence, and reflection, you will have the opportunity to deepen your faith, strengthen your connection to our loving God, and cultivate transformative spiritual disciplines. Open to everyone—whether you are laity, clergy, or a ministry professional—this retreat invites you to experience God’s presence. (Although this retreat is sponsored by the Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, we warmly welcome our siblings from other denominations, the Diocese of Fredericton, Lutherans, United Church of Canada, Presbyterians, Baptists, etc.) DATES: Friday, June 6 to Sunday, June 8, 2025. LOCATION: Acadia University, Wolfville, N.S. INCLUDED: 5 meals (Friday dinner to Sunday breakfast), 2 nights' accommodations, retreat program and materials. FEATURES: Plenty of quiet time, short talks on spirituality and prayer practices, healthy food, worship that refreshes the soul, and new friendships. OPTIONS: walking in beautiful settings, small group Bible study and more! SPECIAL EARLY RATE! $160 / person (Those staying off-site - $110) REGISTER NOW! https://dnspeidatabase.elvanto.eu/form/196dfa29-7cb9-4851-9476-78608dbe42ec For more infomation visit: https://dnspeidatabase.elvanto.eu/form/196dfa29-7cb9-4851-9476-78608dbe42ec
Doctor Kenneth Rockwood Speaks on AgingA Continuing Education Event from the Community Of Deacons Join us as we hear from Doctor Kenneth Rockwood on aging and its effects as we get older.
Thursday, January 9, 2025
7:00 - 9:00 pm
Diocesan Center Nursery (Large Meeting Room)
All welcome. Come with questions!
For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/events/doctor-kenneth-rockwood-speaks-on-aging/2025-01-09
Praying with the DEN Community
Praying with the DEN Community, Diocesan Environment Network (DEN) For more information contact DEN at: endionspei@gmail.com For more infomation visit: https://www.nspeidiocese.ca/ministries/diocesan-environment-network
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Youth at Synod
Being a youth delegate at our Diocesan Synod is a chance to make your voice heard and to be part of making meaningful change in the church – and we’d love to help get you there! Join us for an informal Q+A with Bishop Sandra, Archdeacon Katherine Bourbonniere, and Youth and Family Ministry Coordinator Allie Colp on zoom to hear more of what Synod is all about and the role that youth play within it. Bring whatever questions you've got and we will find you some answers. This session is open to youth, parents/guardians, clergy, and lay leaders. Sign up here and we will send the zoom link right to your inbox! |
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Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is celebrated around the world. The universal week of prayer encourages Christians of all denominations to meet, to participate in various liturgical and other activities, and to pray together that all may be one, as Christ desires. In Halifax four ecumenical services and a public lecture have been planned for the week 19-16 January 2025. This year marks the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicea.
Sunday 19 January at 4pm - Anglican Cathedral Church of All Saints (1330 Cathedral Lane)
Guest Preacher: The Most Reverend Brian Dunn, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Halifax-Yarmouth
Monday 20 January at 7pm Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Resurrection (2096 Windsor Street)
Public Lecture by Dr. David Deane, Associate Professor of Theology at Atlantic School of Theology Nicaea as a cornerstone of Christian Ecumenism see www.daviddeane.ca/new-events
Tuesday 21 January at 7pm Saint John’s United Church (6025 Stanley Street)
Guest Preacher: Sister Donna Geernaert, SC, Canadian Council of Churches
Thursday 23 January at 2pm Northwood Halifax Campus (2515 Northwood Terrace)
Guest Preacher: the Rev Antonio Siracusa, Presbyterian Church of Saint David
Sunday 26 January 3pm Saint Benedict Catholic Parish (45 Radcliffe Drive)
Guest Preacher: The Right Reverend Sandra Fyfe, Anglican Bishop of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/news/week-of-prayer-for-christian-unity--965 |
January Take-Out LunchSt. Francis by the Lakes, Lower Sackville Pick up Saturday January 25th. Please call Elaine at 902-865-4727 before Monday January 20th to place your order. Adults $15 Children $8 (under 12) Fish Chowder (no shellfish) or Hamburger Soup (16 ounces), biscuit and dessert.
For more infomation visit:
Food Handler’s CertificateSaturday, January 18, 2025 Do you parishioners who want their certificates but, want to do the course in-person instead of online? We will be hosting the course on Jan. 18, 2025 (9-2). Snacks and hot beverages provided. If interested please email us at stjohntheeveangelist902@gmail.com
For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/events/food-handler-s-certificate/2025-01-18 |
Niagara School for Missional LeadershipWinter Classes As we begin this new year, we are excited to invite you to deepen your faith and engage in meaningful learning through our upcoming courses. The following courses will be offered: This course introduces a practice of leadership that mobilizes people to tackle tough challenges and thrive. It builds on the past, connects us to our core values, involves experimentation, values diversity and inclusion of alternative views, and mobilizes the resources already present in the community. Teacher Practitioner: Archbishop Colin Johnson To register please click HERE Missional Preaching This course explores how we can connect God’s mission and the mission of the Church with the culture in which we live. Reimagining Church A course designed for anyone eager to explore Christian faith in a fresh way—both ancient and relevant to today's world. Teacher Practitioner: Dr. John Bowen To Register Please Click HERE These courses are designed to help you engage creatively and faithfully with God’s mission, both within your parish and beyond. We look forward to walking alongside you in this journey of growth, where learning is rooted in both coaching and practical application, and every step is an opportunity to respond to God's call in new and transformative ways. If you have any questions about the upcoming courses or the Niagara School for Missional Leadership, please don't hesitate to reach out niagaraanglican.ca Also, be sure to follow us on social media for the latest updates and news. For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/news/niagara-school-for-missional-leadership |
The Nova Scotia Community Solar ProgramEncouraging Anglican Churches to go Solar The Province of NS’s Department of Natural Resources and Renewables has launched a project called the Nova Scotia Community Solar Program. The program is designed to encourage community and non-profit groups, such as the Anglican Churches in NS, to develop solar power production facilities to augment the NSPI power grid over 25 years. St. John the Evangelist Anglican Church in Middle Sackville NS, has been 100% powered by a 104 panel solar garden since October 2021 using a method called Net Metering. As a Parish we believe solar production is a viable, dependable, green energy option worth considering. If your Church/Parish is at all interested in being involved in such a green energy project, please contact Al Darrach at al@agdarrach.com phone 902-483-9258 or Bruce Moxley brucedmoxley@gmail.com -Bruce Moxley, Chair, the Vision and Planning Comm
For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/news/the-nova-scotia-community-solar-program
Diocesan Heating Oil Program
The Diocese of NS and PEI Heating Oil Program with Irving Oil offers Churches of the Diocese and eligible Diocesan Clergy and Diocesan Staff a discounted rate based on non-profit status. This rate is not offered to individual Anglican parishioners. For more information, please contact: The Centralized Commercial Account Manager for the Diocesan Heating Oil Program, Ms. Sharon Williston by name at 1-888-310-1924 or by email Sharon.Williston@irvingoil.com The Furnace Oil price for the period - January 4 to January 10, 2025. Nova Scotia - $1.0599 Prince Edward Island - $1.0599 For more infomation visit: