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Schedule Thursday Dec 5 – Staff gathering; King’s Board of Governors meeting; and online meeting Friday Dec 6 – Vacation day Sunday Dec 8 – Confirmation service at St. Paul’s Halifax, 10:00 am, and Dartmouth Regional Confirmation at St. Peter’s Eastern Passage, 3:00 pm Monday Dec 9 – Center for Congregational Development – Bishop’s Gathering (on line) Tuesday Dec 10 – Vacation day Wednesday Dec 11 – Annual Mission to Seafarers Christmas Luncheon, and monthly meeting with the Director of Mission and Ministry Development Parish Openings |
A Call for a Safer Church
Please see attached a pastoral letter (A Call for a Safer Church) from Bishop Sandra and two other important documents from our office which were circulated to Clergy and Wardens late last week. The documents relate to the recent resignation of the Archbishop of Canterbury and actions we have taken and are taking “…to protect the physical, emotional, and spiritual welfare of people in relation to the possibility of sexual misconduct.…” (Diocesan Sexual Misconduct Policy and Related Procedures). If there are questions or concerns, please reach out to our Diocesan Safer Church Coordinator, Allie Colp, at saferchurch@nspeidiocese.ca or our Executive Director, the Rev’d Ann Turner, at executivedirector@nspeidiocese.ca For more infomation visit:
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Synod Office News
-Tammy Cummins, our Payroll and Benefits Coordinator, will be out of the country for a family funeral and thus unavailable from December 15 to January 2nd. If you have questions or concerns regarding payroll or benefits (including housing and PAR) please contact our Financial Controller, Lawrence Roche, directly at financialcontroller@nspeidiocese.ca. Questions about Parish Remittances may be directed to our Accounting Assistant, Narisha Mohammed-Bejai at accountingadmin@nspeidiocese.ca.
-For over two years, Rev. Ann Turner has been on a journey of recovery since breaking her femur on a Thanksgiving Sunday morning. Despite the incredible support, encouragement, and many prayers, one final procedure still lies ahead. On Friday, December 6, Rev. Ann will undergo an extensive surgery aimed at accelerating her healing process. She is expected to be away from work throughout December and some or all of January. During this time, her office email will have an out-of-office response redirecting inquiries to the appropriate person. Other correspondence will continue to be monitored during her leave. Please keep Rev. Ann in your prayers for a successful surgery and a full, speedy recovery. For more infomation visit:
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Communication is critical for congregations hosting activities during Advent, Christmas and Epiphany.
Whether it is Christmas Eve worship services, other festive liturgies, Bible studies, Christmas carol gatherings or children's programs - getting the word out to the wider community is key!
Be sure to PROMOTE your special events this holiday. Use roadside signs, sandwich boards, website, church and NEIGHBOURHOOD Facebook pages, posters and congregational E-mail lists!
Remember to include all the BASIC INFO - time, and CIVIC ADDRESS!
(Do NOT assume everyone knows about your location, etc.)
Also, be sure to emphasize the radical hospitality Christians are known for. Most guests and first-time visitors are not familiar with our worship practices, which books to use, whether or how to share in Eucharist, etc. Be sure to offer clear instructions and intentional invitations. For example, if you are hosting a special coffee hour, make sure to personally invite the newcomers.
Here's a really good resource for welcome tips, 7 Ways to Welcome Church Visitors on Christmas Eve.
For more infomation visit: https://buildfaith.org/7-ways-welcome-church-visitors-christmas-eve/
RETREAT: A Great Christmas Gift!
Want to bless one of your church leaders for their hard work?
Or gift yourself with a refreshing time away?
Purchase a registration for Pathways to Peace: Seeking the Spirit, a springtime retreat taking place in Nova Scotia’s Annapolis Valley. Step into a sacred pause from the busyness of life and join us for Pathways to Peace: Seeking the Spirit. This weekend retreat is designed as a space to refresh your spirit, soothe your soul, and grow in your spiritual journey. Through contemplative prayer practices, short talks, plenty of silence, and reflection, you will have the opportunity to deepen your faith, strengthen your connection to our loving God, and cultivate transformative spiritual disciplines. Open to everyone—whether you are laity, clergy, or a ministry professional—this retreat invites you to experience God’s presence. (Although this retreat is sponsored by the Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, we warmly welcome our siblings from other denominations, the Diocese of Fredericton, Lutherans, United Church of Canada, Presbyterians, Baptists, etc.) DATES: Friday, June 6 to Sunday, June 8, 2025. LOCATION: Acadia University, Wolfville, N.S. INCLUDED: 5 meals (Friday dinner to Sunday breakfast), 2 nights' accommodations, retreat program and materials. FEATURES: Plenty of quiet time, short talks on spirituality and prayer practices, healthy food, worship that refreshes the soul, and new friendships. OPTIONS: walking in beautiful settings, small group Bible study and more! SPECIAL CHRISTMAS (EARLY) RATE! $160 / person (Those staying off-site - $110)
For more infomation visit: https://dnspeidatabase.elvanto.eu/form/196dfa29-7cb9-4851-9476-78608dbe42ec
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COMPANY IS COMINGSix Minute Study #402 We see more first-time guests, newcomers and returnees this season than any other during the year. There is something about this festive time that stirs people to try faith community (again). What a fabulous opportunity to lovingly welcome folks!
Read about how to emphasize hospitality in this article, A Note to Pastors From a Visitor in Your Pews, written by Sarah E. Forsyth. (Published by Faith and Leadership, Duke University.)
For more infomation visit: https://faithandleadership.com/note-pastors-visitor-your-pews
ADVENT, CHRISTMAS and EPIPHANYVariety of Resources Connecting with the community, candle-lighting liturgies, Advent calendars, children's activities, and so much more! A variety of resources for these festive seasons are available on our website. Visit and explore here:
For more infomation visit: |
Supporting Anglican Charities & The Mail StrikeHow to Contribute to Advent Appeals and Donations this Christmas While the Canada Post strike is affecting Advent appeals and donations, you can still support Anglican philanthropic partners – Giving with Grace, the Anglican Foundation of Canada and The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (Alongside Hope) – by donating online or by phone. See the link below to learn more and to access a printable bulletin insert with details about how your parish or community can support these ministries this holiday season. Wishing you a joyous Advent, -A message from the PWRDF Team For more infomation visit: https://www.nspeidiocese.ca/news/pwrdf-donations-the-mail-strike
Remembrance & Resilience CeremonyDalhousie Women in Engineering - Friday, December 6, 5:00pm Honour Canada's National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women on December 6 This day of remembrance and action is bringing us closer to the concluding day of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, December 10: Human Rights Day. The Dalhousie Women in Engineering Society is holding a Ceremony of Remembrance and Resilience to which all are welcome: December 6; 5:00 pm; Irving Oil Auditorium, Richard Murray Design Building, 5257 Morris Street, Halifax. -A message from Anglicans Powering Potential.
For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/events/remembrance-resilience-ceremony/2024-12-06
Anglicans Powering Potential Seeks your Support!Let's continue the momentum! Anglicans Powering Potential (APP) would like to continue the support for the Community Roots Day Camp which has raised more then $2,000 through the Anglican Foundation Say YES! to Kids Campaign this year. If you would like to contribute to this incredible program please send cheque (payable to Anglicans Powering Potential – Community Roots Day Camp) to Marjorie Davis, #204 – 111 Pebblecreek Drive, Dartmouth NS B2W 0L1 or e-transfer to app.nspeidiocese@gmail.com. What’s Community Roots Day camp you ask? Click HERE for more information. For more infomation visit:
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Finance Office
Open House Webinars – All are welcome!Presented by members of the Synod Office Team Admin Open House Dec 19, 2024 (01:00 PM) Join us for an online open house where you can ask your questions directly to the diocesan controller and executive director. We’re prepared to answer questions on a range of topics, including: -Budgeting and Spending -Financial Reporting -Administrative Procedures -Grant Opportunities https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82818918045 ~~~~~~~ If you require further information, please email us at office@nspeidiocese.ca For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/news/open-house-webinars-all-are-welcome--941
Anglican Foundation Grant Application notice
The next Anglican Foundation Grant deadlines are January 27, May 26, August 25, October 27, 2025. Complete applications must be received by the Executive Secretary of Synod by those dates. execsecsynod@nspeidiocese.ca If the grant application includes working with youth your vulnerable sector policies must be included in the application. To apply for a grant please go to the website https://www.anglicanfoundation.org/apply/ and download all of the information to insure your application is complete. Please feel free to send any questions to the Executive Secretary of Synod, execsecsynod@nspeidiocese.ca For more infomation visit:
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Praying with the DEN Community
Praying with the DEN Community, Diocesan Environment Network (DEN) For more information contact DEN at: endionspei@gmail.com For more infomation visit: https://www.nspeidiocese.ca/ministries/diocesan-environment-network
White Ribbon Sunday6 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence (GBV) White Ribbon Sunday (Nov.24) and the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence (GBV) that follows (Nov. 25 - Dec. 10) are less than a month away. Action to eradicate GBV requires "a whole of society response." Ask our political leaders what their response is. For more infomation visit:
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Q+A for Potential Synod Youth Delegates
Join us for an informal Q+A with Bishop Sandra, Archdeacon Katherine Bourbonniere, and Youth and Family Ministry Coordinator Allie Colp on zoom to hear more of what Synod is all about and the role that youth play within it. Bring whatever questions you've got and we will find you some answers. This session is open to youth, parents/guardians, clergy, and lay leaders. For more infomation visit: https://dnspeidatabase.elvanto.eu/form/?id=2ad42059-b1a2-4ea0-acd1-5b113b33d67c&submitted
Searching for Childcare SupportYouth and Family Ministry We’re working to make childcare available for diocesan events and meetings, so we are hoping to create a list of people throughout the diocese who we can call to make this happen! We need folks who are 16+, who love kids, have experience caring for them, and have or are willing to be screened and trained according to our Diocesan SafeR Church Plan. For more details, email Allie at youthandfamily@nspeidiocese.ca For more infomation visit: |
The Canadian Lutheran and Anglican Youth Gathering
The Canadian Lutheran and Anglican Youth Gathering (CLAY) is coming up next summer in Sasktoon! If you’ve got youth in your parish who are interested in attending, Please get in touch with Allie at youthandfamily@nspeidiocese.ca
For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/news/the-canadian-lutheran-and-anglican-youth-gathering |
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Christmas Markets across the Diocese
-St. Francis by the Lakes, Christmas Market (December 7th, 10:00am- 3:00 pm) Lower Sackville Click Here for Christmas Market Event Details - St. Andrews Timberlea, Children and Youth Christmas Shopping Day (December 7th, 10:00am- 12:00 pm) |
Christmas EatsDinners and Luncheon's this Season -Christmas Dinner Take-Out Thursday St. Alban's Anglican Church, Dartmouth, December 5th 4:00 pm Enjoy a Christmas Dinner Take-Out consisting of turkey, dressing, mash potatoes, vegetables, gravy, cranberry sauce, roll and dessert.
-Mission to Seafarers Halifax Annual Christmas Luncheon Pier 21, ROWE HALL, Wednesday, December 11, 11:00am Registration, Lunch 11:30 Entertainment by Mike Cowie - Yuletide Cheer. Business Card Draw, Basket of goodies. Tickets $80 each or $750 for a table of 10 Please contact Helen Glenn for tickets hglenn@missiontoseafarershalifax.ca or 902 422-7790
-Twelve Days of a Hillbilly Christmas The Anglican Parish of Berwick - December 13th and 14th, 6:30 pm Join us for a dessert party with delicious apple crisp. Tickets - 20$. Call jocelyn 902-847-5623
Christmas Carols & Concerts!Check Out the Musical Events Across our Diocese this Christmas For more Information about these and other Christmas events please see the "Event" page on the Diocesan Website.
-An Evening of Music- December 4, (7:00-9:30pm) 10 Shore Club Road, Hubbards. Featuring Peter Grant, Shaun Richards and Mike Purdy. Presented by: St. Lukes Outreach Mission Group. Proceeds to Hubbards and Area Foodbank Poster for An Evening of Music
-Chebucto Regional Advent Celebration- December 9, (6:30-8:00pm) The Cathedral Church of All Saints (1330 Cathedral Lane). All are welcome! The evening will start with a community sing event - no skill required - then share in a communal meal. Option to bring a food bank donation of non perishables or monetary gift. For more details please contact Rev. Tammy Hodge at rev.tammyhodge@gmail.com Regional Advent Celebration Poster
-Christmas Carol Concert, Decmeber 12th (7:00pm) Join the Parish of Wilmot in the festive spirit this holiday at All Saints Church in Kingston. Frank Dobbin from Country Generations, and organist Cheryl Van Der Pryt, will once again hold an evening of christmas songs and carols. A free offering will be avaliable.
-A Christmas Carol Sing, - December 14, (2:00-4:00pm) St. Andrews Timberlea, 2553 St. Margarets Bay Road Join us for an afternoon of festive music! Advance tickets: 15$ per person St. Andrews Timberlee Christmas Carol Sing
-Christmas Concert, Saturday, December 14, (2:00-4:30pm) St. Francis by the Lakes, 192 First Lake Drive, Lower Sackville, N.S John Snyder with special guests Raymond and Pam Gray. Advanced Tickets $10 At the Door $15 Order online www.stfrancisbythelakes.ca 50/50 tickets and canteen will be available.
-Memorial Carol Sing-December 15, (3:00pm) St. Paul's Charlottetown $10 donation at the door. Contributions help maintain the 1936 Casavant organ, but donations aren’t necessary; this is for fellowship, memories and the joy of traditional music for Advent and a thoughtful preparation for Christmas. For more Information call: 902-892-1691 , stpauls@pei.aibn.com, https://www.facebook.com/stpaulschurchinpei/
-Christmas on the Grand Parade- December 16, (7:00pm) Christmas on the Grand Parade”: St. Paul’s Anglican Church Halifax(1749 Argyle Street) is pleased to open its doors to the community for this annual December event, featuring music and readings of the season. Performers will include the St. Paul’s choir, the Bedford Brass Quintet and David Christensen (saxophone). The event will take place December 16, 7:00 pm, Admission is free. Note: A free will offering will be received in support of Phoenix House.
-Christmas Sing-A-Long with Val & Juila- December 13 (7:30pm-9:00pm) St. John's Westphal, 1215 Main St. Westphal (Corner of Lake Major Rd. & #7 Highway) With special guest Joe Kendall - Coffee, Tea and a sweet will be served. Free will offering, door prizes and lots of fun! Wheelchair Accessible. |
Service of RemembranceSt. Margaret of Scotland, 3751 Robie Street Halifax - Sunday, December 8, 2024 6:00 pm Candle lighting, Tree lighting, Hot Chocolate “This is an OUTDOOR service. Please dress warmly”. To honour the memory of a loved one, please provide names to the Parish Office (message: 902 455 2451 or st.mofs@gmail.com) by Dec. 4th. At this service, candles will be lit as loved ones„ names are read. Hot drinks and sweet treats to follow. For more infomation visit:
Community Christmas PartySt. Francis by the Lakes, Lower Sackville - Saturday, December 21, 2024 Pizza! Crafts! Games! Music! FREE! Everyone welcome! For more infomation visit:
Advent Season at St. John the Evangelist (Sackville)The Gifts of Christmas This Advent Season, we're excited to be preparing our hearts to celebrate the coming of the ultimate gift, Jesus. Join us for an unforgettable Advent series "The Gifts of Christmas" as we celebrate how Jesus’s birth changed everything and brings us hope, love, joy, and peace even today!
For more infomation visit:
St. Francis by the Lakes Christmas Services192 First Lake Drive, Lower Sackville CHRISTMAS SERVICES
December 18 - Longest Night Service (a.k.a. “Blue Christmas”)
December 24 - Christmas Eve:
4:00 p.m. Family Eucharist
7:00 p.m. Eucharist
Music by Cynthia Stillwell & Bob Strong
December 25 - Christmas Day:
10:00 a.m. Eucharist with guest musician Aaron Kim
December 29 - 8:00 a.m. Morning Prayer
10:00 a.m. Lessons & Carols
For more infomation visit:
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Christmas Eve Services
-Join St. Edward the Confessor Anglican Church for their Christmas Eve Eucharist December 24th (4:00 pm) 1650 Highway No1, Clementsport, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia, All are welcome to attend! Christmas at St. Edward the Confessor
-St. Francis by the Lakes, Christmas Eve 4:00pm Family Eucharist, 7:00pm Eucharist: Music for both services by Cynthia Stillwell & Bob Strong -St. John the Evangelist Church, 934 Old Sackville Road. December 24 Christmas Children's Service in the Hall 4:30pm - “Christmas on the Grand Parade”: St. Paul’s Anglican Church (1749 Argyle Street) is pleased to open its doors to the community for this annual December event, featuring music and readings of the season. Performers will include the St. Paul’s choir, the Bedford Brass Quintet and David Christensen (saxophone). The event will take place. Christmas Eve, 7:00 pm. A free will offering will be received in support of Phoenix House.
The Nova Scotia Community Solar ProgramEncouraging Anglican Churches to go Solar The Province of NS’s Department of Natural Resources and Renewables has launched a project called the Nova Scotia Community Solar Program. The program is designed to encourage community and non-profit groups, such as the Anglican Churches in NS, to develop solar power production facilities to augment the NSPI power grid over 25 years. St. John the Evangelist Anglican Church in Middle Sackville NS, has been 100% powered by a 104 panel solar garden since October 2021 using a method called Net Metering. As a Parish we believe solar production is a viable, dependable, green energy option worth considering. If your Church/Parish is at all interested in being involved in such a green energy project, please contact Al Darrach at al@agdarrach.com phone 902-483-9258 or Bruce Moxley brucedmoxley@gmail.com -Bruce Moxley, Chair, the Vision and Planning Comm
For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/news/the-nova-scotia-community-solar-program
Diocesan Heating Oil Program
The Diocese of NS and PEI Heating Oil Program with Irving Oil offers Churches of the Diocese and eligible Diocesan Clergy and Diocesan Staff a discounted rate based on non-profit status. This rate is not offered to individual Anglican parishioners. For more information, please contact: The Centralized Commercial Account Manager for the Diocesan Heating Oil Program, Ms. Sharon Williston by name at 1-888-310-1924 or by email Sharon.Williston@irvingoil.com The Furnace Oil price for the period - November 30 to December 06 Nova Scotia - $0.9965 Prince Edward Island - $0.9965 For more infomation visit: