Please note that Cathedral Lane is undergoing an extensive infrastructure project, resulting in street closures around the Synod Offices. Our Parking Lot is still accessible however delays are expected. Access to the center and the Cathedral will be limited. *Please be advised that access to the Cathedral and Synod Offices is now through University Avenue.
For more infomation visit: |
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Schedule Thursday Nov 21 – Staff Meeting; Mentors meeting (online); Welcoming: The Future King’s Campaign Launch; and parish meeting (evening) Friday Nov 22 – Vacation Day Saturday Nov 23 – Travel to Cape Breton Sunday Nov 24 – Parish Visit and Confirmation Service with the Collieries Parish Monday Nov 25 – Appointment; travel back to Halifax. Tuesday Nov 26 – Day off Wednesday Nov 27 – Writing; Leadership Team meeting; and online meetings (evening) Announcements Bishop Sandra has accepted the resignation of the Reverend Ann Bush as Rector (40%) for the Parish of Alberton/O’Leary, effective November 30, 2024. Rev’d Ann will continue her ministry as Rector of the Parish of Port Hill (60%). PARISH OPENINGS - The Anglican Parish of Tangier In accordance with Diocesan Canon 25, The Right Reverend Sandra Fyfe is accepting applications for the position of Rector for: The Anglican Parish of Tangier and The Sheet Harbour Pastoral Charge of the United Church of Canada are seeking a full-time minister/priest. We are located on scenic Marine Drive (Highway 7) part of the majestic Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia. Both denominations are jointly seeking a full-time ordained minister/priest to lead a shared ministry. Our future plan is to have clergy-led services every Sunday, alternating between denominations. Communion services as specified by each worship planning committee. We would alternate ecumenical services on the fifth Sunday as they occur, as well as each requiring additional services at Christmas, Lent, Easter, and memorial services. The Rectory/Manse, located in Tangier, is a well-maintained three-bedroom property which has a separate inside entrance to the church office. Fiberoptic internet has been installed. The home is just over an hour’s drive from Dartmouth, and 20 minutes from Sheet Harbour which provides many amenities and services. It is only minutes from Taylor Head Provincial Park, with its hiking trails and two beautiful beaches. There is a state-of-the-art pre-primary to 12 school in Sheet Harbour, several restaurants as well as accommodations. The Anglican Parish of Tangier is a six-point parish with the farthest church (Mooseland) being less than a 25-minute drive from Tangier. We currently worship together one Sunday service per week, alternating between communion services depending on the availability of the priest in charge, and morning or evening prayer. We have two Licensed Lay Ministers plus a team of dedicated lay worship leaders, wardens, and lay people. We have a very supportive congregation who have recently consolidated most of our administration resulting in fewer church meetings. The Sheet Harbour Pastoral Charge of the United Church of Canada consists of three churches, the furthest (Lochaber Mines/Malay Falls) being less than 30 minutes from Tangier. We currently worship together, alternating Sundays between Saint James Sheet Harbour, and Saint James Lochaber Mines/Malay Falls. We currently have supply ministry twice per month, and our congregation worships at other charges and denominations on the other two Sundays. Popes Harbour United Church holds worship services twice a year for a Cemetery Service in the summer and Hanging of the Greens near Christmas. We have an active congregation with devoted elders and stewards who continue to ensure that church services and activities take place. Like many churches in Nova Scotia, we have an aging population. However, We are vibrant faith congregations who are very active in our churches and our communities. We continue to minister to the sick and provide a wonderful space for all who wish to attend our gatherings. We are loving, welcoming, prayerful, affirming, faithful congregations. We are seeking a dedicated and energetic minister/priest who is outgoing and approachable. The successful candidate must be a good listener, a good communicator, and someone who brings the lessons and gospel alive, making them relevant to today. A recognized goal of worship in our community of faith is to feel uplifted and renewed for the week ahead by the message and fellowship. We require an individual to work with us in maintaining our sustainability and help our churches thrive and flourish. By sharing your gifts and passions we will be able to grow our vitality and realize our dreams. The successful candidate must have the ability to recognize leaders in the congregations because through leadership we will prosper. We are supportive of new ideas and a work-life balance for our clergy. Thank you for your interest in joining us in this exciting new endeavour. We invite you to read our profiles and consider joining us, enjoying life on the Eastern Shore. To receive the profile and an application form please contact Jana Gauthier, Diocesan Executive Administrator at bishopsoffice@nspeidiocese.ca . |
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ARE YOU…? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of those questions, you may be interested in a spiritual enrichment weekend we are planning for laity and clergy in 2025. A Diocesan Task Group is making plans. Let us know what you would be interested in. SURVEY IS HERE: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NSPEI-RETREAT For more infomation visit:
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6-Minute Study - #400INTENTIONALLY ATTENTIVE Leadership today means watching and listening closely to flourish through the challenges of Churchland. Leaders (lay and clergy included) are called to consider where there is anxiety, ambiguity and seek clarity about our 'true north' direction.
In the Footsteps of the SaintsPilgrimage to Ireland - deadline for deposit is Dec. 6 Pilgrimage to Ireland, led by the Rev. Maria Shepherdson, Sept. 9-19, 2025 Visit and worship in key sacred sites including Glendalough, Ennis Friary, Jerpoint Abbey, Christchurch Cathedral, Dublin, Knock, the shrine of Our Lady and Cong, Co Mayo. |
'HALO EFFECT' - Nov. 29 WEBINARFriday, November 29, 2024 Congregations That Make a Difference in Their Community is another FREE webinar hosted by the Flourishing Congregations Institute - Friday, Nov. 29 at 4 p.m. (AST). Mike Wood Daly, President and Principal Research Associate at Sphaera Research/Halo Canada, presents data on how Canadian congregations generate measurable economic impact through everyday actions, programs and expressions of faith. Hear how our churches - small or large - enrich our neighbourhoods. It is based on his research on the "Halo Effect". The 60-minute webinar is interactive: research presentation, Q&A, and (optional) small group discussion. Mike is a Flourishing Congregations Institute Fellow at Ambrose University, Calgary, AB. The organization offers Canadian Data for Canadian Church Leaders. REGISTER: For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/events/halo-effect-nov-29-webinar/2024-11-29
ADVENT, CHRISTMAS and EPIPHANYVariety of Resources Connecting with the community, candle-lighting liturgies, Advent calendars, children's activities, and so much more! A variety of resources for these festive seasons are available on our website. Visit and explore here:
For more infomation visit: |
Anglicans Powering Potential Seeks your Support!Let's continue the momentum! Anglicans Powering Potential (APP) would like to continue the support for the Community Roots Day Camp which has raised more then $2,000 through the Anglican Foundation Say YES! to Kids Campaign this year. If you would like to contribute to this incredible program please send cheque (payable to Anglicans Powering Potential – Community Roots Day Camp) to Marjorie Davis, #204 – 111 Pebblecreek Drive, Dartmouth NS B2W 0L1 or e-transfer to app.nspeidiocese@gmail.com. What’s Community Roots Day camp you ask? Click HERE for more information. For more infomation visit:
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Finance Office
Open House Webinars – All are welcome!Presented by members of the Synod Office Team Admin Open House Nov 21, 2024 01:00 PM https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82818918045 ~~~~~~~~~ Donating securities to your church (requires advance registration) Nov 27, 2024 07:00 PM https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0pdu6trzgtHNAvf7y5iMgOdrybHUqlpIPb ~~~~~~~ Admin Open House Dec 19, 2024 01:00 PM https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82818918045 ~~~~~~~ If you require further information, please email us at office@nspeidiocese.ca For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/news/open-house-webinars-all-are-welcome--941 |
Anglican Foundation Grant Application notice
The next Anglican Foundation Grant deadlines are January 27, May 26, August 25, October 27, 2025. Complete applications must be received by the Executive Secretary of Synod by those dates. execsecsynod@nspeidiocese.ca If the grant application includes working with youth your vulnerable sector policies must be included in the application. To apply for a grant please go to the website https://www.anglicanfoundation.org/apply/ and download all of the information to insure your application is complete. Please feel free to send any questions to the Executive Secretary of Synod, execsecsynod@nspeidiocese.ca For more infomation visit:
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Praying with the DEN Community
Praying with the DEN Community, Diocesan Environment Network (DEN) For more information contact DEN at: endionspei@gmail.com For more infomation visit: https://www.nspeidiocese.ca/ministries/diocesan-environment-network
White Ribbon Sunday6 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence (GBV) White Ribbon Sunday (Nov.24) and the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence (GBV) that follows (Nov. 25 - Dec. 10) are less than a month away. Action to eradicate GBV requires "a whole of society response." Ask our political leaders what their response is. For more infomation visit:
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Q+A for Potential Synod Youth Delegates
Join us for an informal Q+A with Bishop Sandra, Archdeacon Katherine Bourbonniere, and Youth and Family Ministry Coordinator Allie Colp on zoom to hear more of what Synod is all about and the role that youth play within it. Bring whatever questions you've got and we will find you some answers. This session is open to youth, parents/guardians, clergy, and lay leaders. For more infomation visit: https://dnspeidatabase.elvanto.eu/form/?id=2ad42059-b1a2-4ea0-acd1-5b113b33d67c&submitted
Searching for Childcare SupportYouth and Family Ministry We’re working to make childcare available for diocesan events and meetings, so we are hoping to create a list of people throughout the diocese who we can call to make this happen! We need folks who are 16+, who love kids, have experience caring for them, and have or are willing to be screened and trained according to our Diocesan SafeR Church Plan. For more details, email Allie at youthandfamily@nspeidiocese.ca For more infomation visit: |
The Canadian Lutheran and Anglican Youth Gathering
The Canadian Lutheran and Anglican Youth Gathering (CLAY) is coming up next summer in Sasktoon! If you’ve got youth in your parish who are interested in attending, Please get in touch with Allie at youthandfamily@nspeidiocese.ca
For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/news/the-canadian-lutheran-and-anglican-youth-gathering |
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Christianity in a Crisis-Shaped WorldA Webinar and Online Book Launch - Wednesday, November 20, 2024 What does Christian witness look like in a changing and challenging world? On Wednesday, November 20, 2024, join the Most Rev. Anne Germond, Acting Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, and the Rev. Michael Blair, General Secretary of the United Church of Canada, for an online discussion of Faithful, Creative, Hopeful: Fifteen Theses for Christians in a Crisis-Shaped World, the new book from Montreal Dio principal, Jesse Zink. Wednesday, November 20, 2024 from 7:30pm to 9pm. The event is free and open to all. To join, please sign up online and you’ll be sent the Zoom link. More details are on the Dio website. For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/events/christianity-in-a-crisis-shaped-world/2024-11-20 |
Christmas Shoebox CampaignMission to Seafarers Nothing can stop Christmas! We continue to share with seafarers the joy and spirit of the holidays through gift-giving. The campaign is also our additional way of thanking the Hidden Heroes for their sacrifices and hard work. In many ways, the seafarers deeply appreciate the presents they receive from people who care beyond their homes and families. Please reach out to Aurora who will maintain the shoebox volunteer schedule at 902-483-7362 or auroraulloaparsons@gmail.com or Helen directly. We will begin building shoeboxes on Monday, November 25th. Those who wish to volunteer will be trained by Aurora, Susan or Carol. ONLY the items listed will be placed in the shoebox gifts. We are grateful for your continued support. For more infomation visit:
Turkey Supper - Eat in and Take Out - Saturday, November 23, 2024St. Andrews Anglican Church,2553 St. Margarets Bay Road Traditional turkey dinner featuring turkey, mashed potato, stuffing, mixed vegetable, cranberry sauce, gravy and your choice of pie. Preorder your take out meal at: pinsent.tom@gmail.com Payment due @ pick up between 4:00 - 4:30 Adults $16:00 Children: $8.00 Under 5: Free
For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/events/turkey-supper-eat-in-and-take-out/2024-11-23
Restoring Landscapes for Sustainable Food SystemsInformation Session - Nov 24 Nature+ is a multi year program focusing on regions with high vulnerability to impacts of climate change, high levels of land degradation, anf high levels of hunger and poverty. All are invited to attend. For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/events/information-session/2024-11-24
Why the NativityChristmas Movie/Docudrama - Wednesday, November 27, 2024 St Peters Eastern Passage Anglican Church 346 Cow Bay Road For more infomation visit:
Casserole LuncheonSt. Margaret of Scotland - Thursday, November 28, 2024 Thursday, November 28th Admission $12.00 Students and Seniors $10.00 375 Robie Street
For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/events/casserole-luncheon--877/2024-11-28
Free Hot Potato Evening - To learn about MAiDThursday, November 28, 2024 We invite you to join us for our Free Hot Potato evening on 7pm Thursday Nov 28th at St Timothy’s Hall 2320 Prospect Rd to To learn about MAiD Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) is a legally available, end of life option for Canadians who are fully assessed, and found to meet strict eligibility criteria. Making the choice to seek MAiD is a deeply personal decision, and such a decision requires accurate, and timely information. In Nova Scotia, the MAiD program is managed by NS Health. Staff from the MAiD program will deliver a presentation on the criteria, process, and the things people should consider, on Thursday, November 28th, 7 pm, St. Timothy's Hall Participants will have an opportunity to ask questions from the staff who manage and administer the program. The evening includes a baked potato with all the toppings and a beverage For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/events/free-hot-potato-evening/2024-11-28
Saturday November 30th, 2024Christmas Sales & Messy Church ~ St. Luke's Parish in Hubbards (#10 Shore Club Road, Hurbbards) will be having a Christmas Sale from 9 am to 1 pm. Bake Table, Jewellery Table, Xmas Treasures, New-to-You, Canteen and Penny Social (New). Cash Only ~ Hatchet Lake/Terence Bay Parish (2320 Prospect Road) will be hosting Messy Church from 4 to 6 pm. Crafts, activities, games, songs and storytelling. Share in a delicious meal!Everyone of all ages is welcome, open to families and kids with their significant adults. RSVP appreciated (for planning) stspoffice@gmail.com FREE! ~ St. Luke's Parish in Dartmouth (9 Veterans Avenue, Dartmouth) will be having a Christmas Bazaar. Crafts, new to you items, baked goods and raffle baskets. Take-out lunch, $13 chili or soup with carrot cake.
An Evening of MusicFeaturing Peter Grant, Shaun Richards and Mike Purdy - Wednesday, December 4, 2024 Presented by: St. Lukes Outreach Mission Group Proceeds to Hubbarfds and Area Foodbank 10 Shore club Road, Hubbards For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/events/an-evening-of-music/2024-12-04
Christmas MarketSt. Francis by the Lakes - Saturday, December 7, 2024 192 First Lake Drive, Lower Sackville 2$ Admission 5$ Lunch For more info contact ministryresourcese@gmail.com For more infomation visit:
St. Andrews 12th AnnualChildren and Youth Christmas Shopping Day - Saturday, December 7, 2024 Most Gifts $1.00 - $5.00 Includes a selection of gift baskets A great opportunity for children/youth/ to shop for thier family and friends. 2553 St. Margarets bay road For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/events/st-andrews-12th-annual/2024-12-07
Mission to Seafarers - Annual Christmas LuncheonWednesday, December 11, 2024 Entertainment by Mike Cowie - Yuletide Cheer Business Card Draw, Basket of goodies. Tickets $80 each or $750 for a table of 10 Please contact Helen Glenn for tickets hglenn@missiontoseafarershalifax.ca or 902 422-7790 For more infomation visit:
Christmas Dinner Take-Out Thursday, December 5thSt. Alban’s Anglican Church - Thursday, December 5, 2024 Tickets $20 Enjoy a Christmas Dinner Take-Out consisting of turkey, dressing, mash potatoes, vegetables, gravy, cranberry sauce, roll and dessert. Cut-off date – December 2nd Please call Shirley with your order: 902-463-6018, send us an email: stalbans@bellaliant.com. 345 Pleasant St, Dartmouth For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/events/christmas-dinner-take-out-thursday-december-5th/2024-12-05
Twelve Days of a Hillbilly ChristmasThe Anglican Parish of Berwick - December 13th and 14th, 2024 Join us for a dessert party with delicious apple crisp Tickets - 20$ Call jocelyn 902-847-5623
For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/events/twelve-days-of-a-hillbilly-christmas/2024-11-13
Christmas Concert, Saturday, December 14, 2024St. Francis by the Lakes, 192 First Lake Drive, Lower Sackville, N.S John Snyder with special guests Raymond and Pam Gray Advanced Tickets $10 At the Door $15 Order online www.stfrancisbythelakes.ca 50/50 tickets and canteen will be available. For more infomation visit:
A Christmas Carol SingSt. Andrews Anglican Church - Saturday, December 14, 2024 Join us for an afternoon of festive music Advance tickets: 15$ per person 2553 St. Margarets Bay Road For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/events/a-christmas-carol-sing/2024-12-14
Candles for COP29Candles for COP Vigils for Climate Justice November 15-17, 2024 From November 11-22, world leaders, civil society, Indigenous peoples, and others will gather at the COP29 conference in Baku, Azerbaijan to advance action on addressing the climate emergency. Despite increasingly clear evidence of the climate emergency, leaders across the world and particularly in Canada are failing to take the decisive action needed to protect our world, and particularly the most vulnerable members of the global community. Canada has yet to reduce our national emissions, our government continues to approve and subsidize new fossil fuel infrastructure, and we are not meeting our commitments to assist countries in the Global South to transition to low carbon energy sources and adapt to the impacts of climate change. This cannot continue. In recognition of the need for change, For the Love of Creation invites groups across Canada to host candlelight vigils in their own communities on the weekend of November 15-17, 2024. This will be a time to reflect and share our love for our planet, our concern for ourselves, humanity and all our non-human relations at risk from climate change. It is also a time to share hopes for truly transformative action to happen at COP and through each other. We encourage people to use their local events to highlight local climate-related issues that are important to them, as well as global issues such as climate finance for mitigation, adaptation and loss & damage in the Global South. We will amplify each other’s voices by acting on the same weekend. Let’s light up the whole Canadian map! We need volunteers across the country, like you, to help organize these moments of public witness with us. For more infomation visit:
Advent Season at St. John the Evangelist ChurchThe Gifts of Christmas This Advent Season, we're excited to be preparing our hearts to celebrate the coming of the ultimate gift, Jesus. Join us for an unforgettable Advent series "The Gifts of Christmas" as we celebrate how Jesus’s birth changed everything and brings us hope, love, joy, and peace even today! St. John the Evangelist Church, 934 Old Sackville Road |
Diocesan Heating Oil Program
The Diocese of NS and PEI Heating Oil Program with Irving Oil offers Churches of the Diocese and eligible Diocesan Clergy and Diocesan Staff a discounted rate based on non-profit status. This rate is not offered to individual Anglican parishioners. For more information, please contact: The Centralized Commercial Account Manager for the Diocesan Heating Oil Program, Ms. Jennifer Bishop by name at 1-888-310-1924 or by email at Jennifer.Bishop@IrvingOil.com The Furnace Oil price for the period - Nov 16 to 22 Nova Scotia - $0.9766 Prince Edward Island - $0.9766 For more infomation visit: