Spiritual resources:

Preaching when life depends on it: climate crisis and Gospel hope

Outdoor worship https://www.churchofengland.org/resources/churchcare/advice-and-guidance-church-buildings/outdoor-worship?fbclid=IwAR2Jasya3uZrL4xmgobd_qAwxm8_EtNaDTRza8Va63tAT5DgKSPS0yVXGhc

Earth Day






Lenten Resources: 

2022 Lent Diocese of Toronto

1) Diocese of Toronto Creation Care Download a “Fast for the Earth PDF: https://www.toronto.anglican.ca/.../01/Lent-Fast-2021.pdf...
2) PWRDF Creation Care / Climate Action Lent Resource Launch. Please join the authors of this year's PWRDF Lent resource, Bishop Jane Alexander (Edmonton) and PWRDF Diocesan Representative Rev. Patrick Stephens (Ottawa), as they introduce the resource focused on Creation Care: Climate Action. It will include: 40 days of Lent + 40 days of stories about PWRDF + 40 reflections on Creation Care/Climate Action + 40 prayers for the Earth When: Thursday, February 11 from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. Eastern / Where: Zoom, please register at: https://zoom.us/.../tJIkduitqDsrH93lzMLQjvxAI4smP3COBsZs
3) DEN Stations of Creation:The on line version can be obtained by Emailing endionspei@gmail.com
4) For the Love of Creation's faith-in-action campaign, https://fortheloveofcreation.ca/
5) From South Africa - 40 Days with God's Creatures: https://sarx.org.uk/lent/40daysguide/...


Stations of the Forest

Rogation Sunday in The Parish of Gander Bay Nfld  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gGMz_VQguRggTl16H-XSC7J1QO_k6pH1/view?fbclid=IwAR2OJu6-OsgsG4-yET5swatUT--7JQSTDr9qTYulDtEdPOu0CCEV8ZHGcpY

World Bee Day https://godspacelight.com/2020/05/20/world-bee-day/?fbclid=IwAR0TbTC-5DXVi-CJTVDsTnve45Gt8B4OmJYTrmAKMQhTXKRmT1iVFTKO7w8

World Environment Day http://www.greenanglicans.org/world-environmental-day-liturgy/?fbclid=IwAR1LQUX0OHCj6BR0wDPHX7DQHaufrpW2FpWH8QKFmfEI28YoN7Mx13Et9H8

Trinity Sunday by Rev. Niza Santiago https://mailchi.mp/773671ead3fd/trinity-sunday

National Indigenous Day of Prayer:  https://www.anglican.ca/im/nidp/?utm_source=Anglican+Reconciliation+Connections+%28ARC%29&utm_campaign=f33a52a421-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_11_ARC_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_d9d9430af9-f33a52a421-243929260

Prayer for the Environment (prepared by Eleanor)  

Dear Lord, this is your world. You are the world and we have made you sick. The fires are your raging temperatures. The worsening hurricanes your ravaging cough. The floods your increasing tears. The mudslides and diminishing ice caps strong symptoms of your deteriorating condition. We have not been kind and supportive to you and yet you are still there holding us up and caring for us. Dear God, many of us realize this is happening. Unfortunately, there are those who are blind to our need for immediate, fast action. They have too much control of the process as well as the narrative. Please guide and help us to make the right decisions and to take peaceful, productive action making restitution before it is too late. Let us not be afraid to take on this continuous challenge. It is true Lord; the big corporations and governments need to step up.

We must also remember and use the power of one and persevere so that many “ones” become a powerful voice and action.   We must always remember that water is our life blood and it is being taken away both within the continents of the world as well as the vast oceans. We will soon reach the point of no return. Micro plastics are becoming a part of every species including humans. Please help and support all those who are preforming committed research into practical care of the health and wellbeing of your world. May we realize and spread the news that prevention is the best possible outcome. May we be steadfast; practical and passionate yet kind and gentle on our journey to earth saving goals. Please help us to have the courage to lead by example.

In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen  

Eoc Divina: https://newedenministry.com/2020/10/04/1880/?fbclid=IwAR2zx96_mP9zDhyiXnuWED6aT3mvDhU4qwp1hLCvWCamrIVbOstMKLRrlxI



This Changes Everything by Naomi Klein https://www.amazon.ca/This-Changes-Everything-Capitalism-Climate/dp/0307401995

Care for Creation, A Franciscan Spirituality of the Earth by Ilia DelioKeith Douglass WarnerPamela Wood

Climate Church, Climate World by Jim Antal

A Good War: Mobilizing Canada for the Climate Emergency Klein, Seth https://ecwpress.com/collections/books/products/a-good-war